Hey there, i hope there´s someone able to read a logfile and tell me where exactly the issue is so i can adress it.
This issue driving me nuts for quite some time now…
I changend each and every Cable, Mainboard, Raspberry, Motors (except Z).
Unfortunately, I do not see anything apparently wrong. Generally speaking, this error means that the Klipper host issued a command to the driver and never received a response back.
It could be due to a damaged driver or the driver getting too hot.
I looked at the log. In that log, it looks like Klipper loses the ability to communicate with the stepper motor drivers. This causes Klipper to raise an error.
After running the log through logextract.py we see requests like tmcuart_send oid=2 write=b'\xea\x0b\xe8\xad\xba'(6f@1) read=10 which indicates that klipper failed to read register 6f from uart address 1. However the last uart address seems to change from shutdown to shutdown. That seems to indicate that there is something not working correctly with the tmcuart wires themselves (and thus Klipper becomes unable to communicate with any of the drivers).
It’s unclear why Klipper loses connection with the trinamic drivers. You might want to double check the wiring of the tmcuart lines, verify any jumpers are set correctly, and similar.