The value 'RunoutSensor' is not valid for SENSOR

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo
klippy (3).log (3.1 MB)

Describe your issue:

Hi, when I start printing I get the error “ The value ‘RunoutSensor’ is not valid for SENSOR” and printing stops, what can it be connected with? I don’t understand what is giving this error.

[filament_switch_sensor switch_sensor]
switch_pin = host:gpio228
pause_on_runout = False
runout_gcode = 
	M117 Filament switch runout
insert_gcode = 
	M117 Filament switch inserted

… gpio228… That doesn’t look like the correct pin to me

The thing is that the printer used to print normally, I found this pin in the official guide. I just set up a macro to pause and resume printing, but after rebooting the system and starting printing, an error occurred

As the word “RunoutSensor” does not appear anywhere in your config, the only possible source probably is your slicer’s settings, e.g. start gcode etc

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Oh, i remembered that with my old filament sensor, I had start code set up in the slicer. Thank you very much!

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