My extruder stepper doesn’t work, the stepper doesn’t seem to engage. the following is the error:
TMC ’ extruder ’ reports error: DRV.STATUS : 40190010 s2vsa=1 (ShortToSupply_A!) cs_actual:25 stealth:1 …
can you please let me know where I can find these errors if they show up? I have already hashed the stealth chop and can hear the skipping sound but it doesn’t extrude or retract.
My guess is it’s wired incorrectly, or you have a bad connection or wire. I can’t offer any other help. The info at the link is the best information available.
My issue was the same exact issue and I was trying to follow the directions in this thread to fix it. However, when clicking the link in George’s comment that should have lead to a corrected pinout, there’s nothing to view.
So, I replied to George to let him know the link doesn’t contain what was promised or I can’t access it.
That was the pinout I had and it’s not very informative. I assumed 2B 2A 1A 1B was the same as B- A- A+ B- on my steppers. But it’s actually B+ B- A- A+.
Thankfully the TMC2209s protect themselves from incorrect wiring so I was able to trial-and-error my way to the correct wiring.