Trouble adding in BLTouch

I’ve added a BLTouch to my CR 10/SKR 2 rig. I have the following entered into my config file…

sensor_pin: ^PE4
control_pin: PE5
x_offset: -43
y_offset: -7
z_offet: +2.7

speed: 120
horizontal_move_z: 10
mesh_min: 10,30
mesh_max: 295,295
probe_cound: 3,3
algorithm: bicubic
fade_start: 1
fade_target: 0

but when I save and restart, I get a message stating: “Option ‘z_offset’ in section ‘bltouch’ must be specified”

Example Configs for the CR-10S have the same info found here.

stow_on_each_sample: False
probe_with_touch_mode: True
x_offset: #set the x offset per the user guide
y_offset: #set the y offset
z_offset = #set the z offset
speed: 4.0
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 3.0

You have z_offet not z_offset written in your config :wink:

Now I have the following:

step_pin: PA15
dir_pin: PA8
enable_pin: !PD1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8.1
position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 400
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

sensor_pin: ^PE4
control_pin: PE5
stow_on_each_sample: False
probe_with_touch_mode: True
x_offset: -43
y_offset: -7
z_offset =0.01
speed: 4.0
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 3.0
home_xy_position: 150, 150
speed: 50
z_hop: 10
z_hop_speed: 5

But when I save and restart I get the following:
“Option ‘position_endstop’ is not valid in section ‘stepper_z’”

Comment out that line for BLTOUCH.

NM…github ticket response was the prize winner, its working now