SAVE_CONFIG section ‘bltouch’ option ‘z_offset’ conflicts with included value
I dont have any seperate .cfg files and save_config wont update my printer.cfg with the “do not edit below this line”
This is my second klipper installation on this machine, i have an e3max running perfectly.
Tried to get my e3pro running, however no dice. printer (1).cfg (6.5 KB)
any help at all would be appreciated as i seem to have checked all the threads relating to this and cant figure it out on my own
Tried this last night.
I dont have any .cfg other than my printer.cfg and inputshaper.cfg which is commented out.
Going crazy with this.
Is there a workaround to get klipper to rrcognize a minus z offset value?
Please attach a recent klippy.log and try removing the comments on:
x_offset: -50 # modify as needed for bltouch location
y_offset: -9 # modify as needed for bltouch location
z_offset: 0.0 # modify as needed for bltouch or run PROBE_CALIBRATE
There cannot be a negative z-offset as this would mean your probe trigger is higher than the nozzle
apologies for the delay in the response and thank you so much for your help so far.
So i created a new printer.cfg and its still throwing up the same error.
I dont have any include commands in my printer.cfg and i dont have anywhere to pull them from in my directory.
I have included a klippy log which shows the save_config has been applied but it will not populate the auto-generated field in my printer.cfg.
Ive also included a copy of my new printer.cfg klippylog excerpt.txt (6.3 KB) new printer cfg.txt (5.8 KB)
I became a bit blinded.
I was trying to be lazy and use probe_calibrate to set my z offset using the bl touch.
Its not ideal but i can set it manually, as long as my printer has its functionality i can live without probe_calibrate
i am a complete idiot, thank you so much.
forgot i printed a spacer for my cr touch previously to avoid the offset running into the negatives too.
all well and good now, thank you!