Unknown command:"TESTZ"

Basic Information:

Printer Model: tronxy x5sa
MCU / Printerboard:manta m8p
klippy (4).log (366.5 KB)

Describe your issue: ok me again. I installed a bl touch clone “3d touch” I got the printer to home the command BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_down/up work but it still registers as open when up. I did not understand where

“pin_up_reports_not_triggered” needs to go in the config.
when I try to set the z probe offset with TEST Z= * I get Unknown command:“TESTZ”
the “MANUAL_PROBE” command works but when I click accept and rehome it is not saved

when I try to set the z offset in the dashboard I get"SAVE_CONFIG section ‘bltouch’ option ‘z_offset’ conflicts with included value"

So how do I correct this. If I try to manually change the z offset in the config I get an error message that it is not valid. It doesn’t recognize the testz command.

klippy (5).log (1.1 MB)
get this Option ‘z_offset’ in section ‘bltouch’ must have minimum of 0.0

TEST_Z only works when running a PROBE_CALIBRATE. This is all explained in the documentation.


when I use PROBE_CALIBRATE, the manual probe window pops up and does nothing. the manual probe doesn’t respond.

it reads ??? >>> 4.994 <<< ???

now ??? → 5.019 ← ???

if I don’t move the z down and run PROBE_CALIBRATE I get “BLTouch failed to deploy Failed to verify BLTouch probe is raised; retrying.”
If I do move it I get the manual probe ???

You really need to read the documentation and spend some time to understand it. When you run PROBE_CALIBRATE it will show you the current height the printer believes the nozzle is at as you’ve noted. You then use TESTZ Z=-0.1 to lower the nozzle 0.1mm. You need to lower the nozzle until it just touches a piece of paper on the bed. You then type ACCEPT followed by SAVE_CONFIG. This is the correct procedure for calibrating z_offset. I also see you don’t have X or Y offsets which are mandatory to get good mesh values. Finding these values is also explained in the documentation.

If you get an error about included values it’s because you have the bltouch in an include file which is not valid. Sineos already linked to the knowledge base with this info.

I did read it and what I got does not match what the doc said would happen.

I can’t offer any more help. You need to fix your config.

For reference, this is just a graphical version of the TESTZ command. Mainsail is simply providing buttons instead of making you type TESTZ. The process is the same as detailed in the documentation. None of this matters though because you have your bltouch in an included file which is not valid.

literally my 4th day of using klipper what do you mean by " bltouch in an included file which is not valid." what would a valid one look like?
klippy (6).log (1.6 MB)

In your config, you have a line that says:

[include filename.cfg]

Whatever that file is contains your bltouch information. That is not the correct way to add a bltouch for the reason you’re experiencing here. Post your printer.cfg and I will fix it for you.

config-202346-13253.zip (2.5 KB)
thank you

Do you see in your printer.cfg file that all it has are 2 included files? This is not correct. You need to delete printer.cfg and rename generic-bigtreetech-manta-m8p-V1_0.cfg to printer.cfg. Then at the top of that new printer.cfg file add:

[include mainsail.cfg]

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Thank you that solved this issue. Now I have others. will post on a new thread.