TwoTrees Bluer plus


It is a functional configuration but very likely to be improved. Here is the part without modification of the printer.

The parameters (in printer section) :

max_velocity: 500    
max_accel: 3500    
max_z_velocity: 25    
max_z_accel: 100  

probably don’t fit well, I’m still figuring out how to fit them properly.

I haven’t found a way to get the MKS Robin TFT43 V1.0 screen work for now.

# This file contains common pin mappings for the Two Trees Bluer    
# Plus printer.    
# To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the STM32F103.    
# When running "make menuconfig" you have to:    
# - enable "extra low-level configuration setup",    
# - select the 28KiB bootloader,    
# - select serial (on USART3 PB11/PB10) communication    
# Note that the "make flash" command does not work with the Sapphire    
# Pro. After running "make", run the following command:    
#   ./scripts/ out/klipper.bin out/Robin_nano43.bin    
# Copy the file out/Robin_nano43.bin to an SD card and then restart the printer with that SD card.    
# See docs/ for a description of parameters.    
step_pin: PE3    
dir_pin: PE2    
enable_pin: !PE4    
microsteps: 16    
full_steps_per_rotation: 400    
#rotation_distance = 400 * 16 / 160    
rotation_distance: 40    
endstop_pin: !PA15    
position_endstop: -5    
position_min: -5    
position_max: 300    
homing_speed: 50    
step_pin: PE0    
dir_pin: !PB9    
enable_pin: !PE1    
microsteps: 16    
#rotation_distance = 400 * 16 / 160    
rotation_distance: 40    
full_steps_per_rotation: 400    
endstop_pin: !PA12    
position_endstop: -15    
position_min: -15    
position_max: 300    
homing_speed: 50    
step_pin: PB5    
dir_pin: !PB4    
enable_pin: !PB8    
microsteps: 16    
#rotation_distance = 200 * 16 / 400    
rotation_distance: 8    
full_steps_per_rotation: 200    
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop    
position_max: 400    
position_min: -4    
step_pin: PD6    
dir_pin: !PD3    
enable_pin: !PB3    
microsteps: 16    
#rotation_distance = 200 * 16 / 430    
rotation_distance: 7.441860465    
full_steps_per_rotation: 200    
nozzle_diameter: 0.400    
filament_diameter: 1.750    
pressure_advance: 0.7    
max_extrude_only_distance: 700    
heater_pin: PC3    
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F    
sensor_pin: PC1    
min_temp: 0    
max_temp: 260    
control = pid    
pid_kp = 30.429    
pid_ki = 1.811    
pid_kd = 127.801    
heater_pin: PA0    
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F    
sensor_pin: PC0    
min_temp: 0    
max_temp: 100    
control = pid    
set_position_z: 0    
    # Use absolute coordinates    
    # Move up Z8    
    G1 Z8    
    # Home the printer    
    G28 X Y    
    # Move    
    G0 X135 Y120 F9000    
    #quick probe    
    G28 Z    
    # Move up Z8    
    G1 Z8    
    # move corner    
    G1 X0 Y0 Z5 F3000    
speed: 120    
horizontal_move_z: 8    
#the probe positions    
mesh_min: 15,15    
mesh_max: 300, 300    
probe_count: 5, 5    
fade_end: 10    
split_delta_z: 0.01    
move_check_distance: 3    
mesh_pps: 2, 2    
algorithm: lagrange    
relative_reference_index: 12    
screw1: 15,1    
screw1_name: front left screw    
screw2: 258,1    
screw2_name: front right screw    
screw3: 258,240    
screw3_name: rear right screw    
screw4: 15,240    
screw4_name: rear left screw    
horizontal_move_z: 8    
screw_thread: CW-M3    
sensor_pin: ^PA11    
control_pin: PA8    
x_offset: 17    
y_offset: 29    
# 3.800    
z_offset: 3.600    
speed: 0.5    
samples: 3    
lift_speed: 3.0    
samples_result: average    
samples_tolerance: 0.100    
samples_tolerance_retries: 2    
[filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor]    
switch_pin: ^PA4    
pin: PB1    
[temperature_sensor mcu]    
sensor_type: temperature_mcu    
[temperature_sensor pi]    
sensor_type: temperature_host    
serial: /dev/serial/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.4:1.0-port0    
#serial: /dev/ttyUSB0    
baud: 250000    
restart_method: command    
kinematics: cartesian    
max_velocity: 500    
max_accel: 3500    
max_z_velocity: 25    
max_z_accel: 100    
#fluiddip configurations    
[include client_macros.cfg]    
[include client.cfg]    
[include mes_macros.cfg]    

Thank you for klipper.

Klipper Firmware compilation


make menuconfig
./scripts/ out/klipper.bin out/Robin_nano43.bin

Put Robin_nano43.bin on the root of sdcard and boot the printer with it inside.

Reserved for TMC2209 modifications

I was looking for config file on a Bluer plus and i felt on you post. From what i have seen and read, the config files from Sappphire machines seem to be a bit the same.
On Marlin, the 4.3" screen is a problem too.
Have you finally found a solution? by the way with mainsailOS or Fluidpi i don’t think that the screen is usefull.

On “communication interface” waht should i use if i’m in standalone? i haven’t done the modification on the TMC2209 yet.

[include client_macros.cfg]    
[include client.cfg]    
[include mes_macros.cfg]  
```What does it refer to? 
simple question, are you french? 'cause "mes_macros" sounds like.

Hi All!
I have been trying to install the Klipper firmware in my TT Bluer+ using different parameters, but in most cases I get the message “TFT Update 100%” on the printer screen and when I restart the printer I see the message “Booting” forever.
It is a Bluer Plus v1.2 - 5 Drivers TMC2209 to run Klipper firmware.
