U2C Terminal block

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creator 3 Conversion
MCU / Printerboard: U2C, EBB42, BTT SKR Pro
not a klipper issue

Does anyone know why when I connected 24 to the green terminal block on the U2C it was creating a short on the 24 power supply?

Also, If I have two EBB42 boards connected to the HL and terminate them both, if that should work?

I the U2C and EBB42s all configured and working until I just tried to use the green terminals. I even tried powering through the molex connector and it did the exact same thing? Now it is not recognized and is giving me a network down.

I have tried disconnecting one EBB42, but no joy. If I share a ground on the terminal block, and send 24 volts directly to the EBB42 boards the power up, this has me scratching my heads. I am sure the U2C is blown even though it looks to be powered up, but I do not want this to happen to my other one. SKR has not issues I can see.

this is bazaar.


Note a clue - we’re really stumped. We’ve been talking about it now amongst ourselves for a half hour and we’re really vexed.

Maybe, just maybe, what could help is if you were to share some images of what you’re doing. Maybe a drawing of what you think the wiring should be.

We know it’s cheating to ask for this information from you but sometimes our combined psychic skills just aren’t up to the task.


Ok, so the fix is to overcome a I can not understand why BTT did it that way, it is a bus afterall.



Look at the molex connectors pinouts on each. One of them is wrong, and the pinout is really mirrored from each other.

A Better Look:

It’s a bus standard, not a cable/connector standard. A good clue to that is there are more than six different connectors that provide the CAN bus signals several different ways (including being combined with the 120Ω terminating resistor) on the U2C board.

I noticed this when I first worked with the U2C board (around two years ago) and, for that reason, decided to wire one end of the cable to the U2C terminal block rather have both wired to MicroFit connectors to avoid the opportunity for the problem.

No disagreement that it would make things easier if the BTT MicroFit connectors were wired so that a cable didn’t have a polarity but either somebody wasn’t looking ahead, didn’t check existing products or there’s a reason why the BTT Microfit connectors are different that isn’t obvious and documented.

I should point out that the Mellow FLY SHT boards use a different wiring for their MicroFit connectors from BTT. I’m not sure if their U2C board uses the same Gerbers as the BTT.

Personally, I always beep things out before slamming home the terminals in a connector and then beep everything out in the printer before applying power just to be doubly sure. You might want to follow that practice as well.

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Well, i did beep everything out, but who would expect one of them to be dyslexic? When you crank out stuff as fast as you can think it up, mistakes happen. Normally in engineering, there is a team that actually test stuff before they manufacture a millions of them. I know, because I did that job before at Particle Measuring Systems, PicoLight, and Display Technologies.

I just to not feel like there is any acceptable excuse for that type of mistake at all. That is just me. I would tell them, but they always b.s. me. Always.

Also, I wanted to feed the 24-volts to the White molex connector, and feed my EBB42s from the green terminal block. I had everything wired up like that on my bench, with the exception of the U2C as I was connected to it via USB, I only shared a ground like one should.

I was not expecting to be completely backwards. I still can’t believe it, but many electronics like arduino clones from china all need modification as they messed stuff up trying to copy them very fast and steal all of Arduino’s market share.

I went into the green screw terminals on the U2C and went from there with Y cables to the EBB36.
Why do you want to make it that complex?

And as @mykepredko already wrote: always check or beep the connectors!
I looked at a couple of photos and measured twice before powering up my EBB36… :smiley:

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