Unable to communicate with ADXL345

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom CoreXY
MCU / Printerboard: Manta M8P/EBB42
klippy.log (757.8 KB)

After replacing an Octopus V1.1 with a Manta M8P (with CM4 Host and CAN connection to an EBB42 toolhead controller) with a new rPi OS build, I decided to try to do SHAPER_CALIBRATE which didn’t work.

I did follow Measuring Resonances - Klipper documentation and everything seemed to go swimmingly.

When trying to test the connection I got the Failed to import 'numpy' module,... for which I applied the @oldab fix found here:

Which resolved the numpy import failure but now when I try to do an ACCELEROMETER_QUERY, I get:

You’ll note that I did it twice (a lot more actually) as there are comments saying that multiple ACCELEROMETER_QUERY requests may be required to cause the ADXL345 initialized.

I have had the ADXL345 working before - but I fear that was back in the Python 2.x days.

Any ideas what I should try here?

I hope I’m right and you just mixed up the MISO/MOSI pins:

cs_pin = toolhead:TOOLHEAD_ADXLCS
spi_software_sclk_pin = toolhead:TOOLHEAD_ADXLSCLK
spi_software_mosi_pin = toolhead:TOOLHEAD_ADXLMISO  <<
spi_software_miso_pin = toolhead:TOOLHEAD_ADXLMOSI  <<
axes_map = x,y,z
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That was it. I swapped the two lines and:

I’m going to have words with the guy who made the printer.cfg changes. :wink:

You’re the man!

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Glad I could help!

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