Just swapped out an Octopus Pro on one of my printers with a Manta M8P and have been trying to get the BTT PITFT50 working (with the eventual goal of getting KlipperScreen working with it).
I’m using the same BTT PITFT50 and ribbon cable that was used with the Octopus Pro. The LED on the PITFT50 lights and no flames, so I have the ribbon cabled orientated correctly at both ends. I also tried another ribbon cable with no joy and rechecked the display and it sill works with an rPi 4B.
If I look at the BTT documentation, it indicates that I need to download a file from Raspberry Pi into the CM4’s file system:
I have installed KlipperScreen, to see if the issue was just that the console spew was not going out to DS1 but to DS0 and I wasn’t really having problems.