Basic Information:
Printer Model: custom voron trident
MCU / Printerboard: fysec spider 2.3
Host / SBC: orange pi 3b
klippy.log (377.8 KB)
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
Describe your issue:
the stepper driver was working fine up till I got an error about cs_actual being 0 mid-print. I get the error mentioned in the title on any subsequent attempts to move the extruder. It’s an MKS 5160 Pro I’m using and I do know that one of the large capacitors on it could be moved about slightly. I haven’t tested if the X and Y, which I have on similar stepper drivers, are functioning or not.