July 24, 2023, 12:56am
Basic Information:
Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus V1.1
klippy (16).log (4.6 MB)
Hi All. I have Bauraumlicht, and Z tilt errors when trying to upload and print in Mainsail. I feel like it might be a prusaslicer issue, However I can’t
narrow it down. Some previously printed parts I can still print with no errors. But anything new comes up with these errors. I use Onshade for my designing parts and send to prusaslicer then to Mainsail.
I have not done any updates due to the issues I had last time.
Thanks in advance!
Where did you collect these macros from?
In this macro:
[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
gcode =
Bauraumlicht VALUE=1 ; <-------------------------
M117 Homing...
G28 Y0 X0 Z0
M117 Adjusting Z-tilt...
Z_TILT_ADJUST ; <--------------------------
G28 Z0
G0 X1 Y-3.5 F12000
G0 Z0.2 F2000
M117 Heating bed...
M190 S{params.BED_TEMP|default(75)|float}
M117 Settling bed...
G4 P210000
M117 Heating hotend...
M109 S{params.HOTEND_TEMP|default(200)|float}
are these two lines.
These macros do not appear in your config.
This can happen when you collect some macros randomly from the wild and
do not have a look on them and
don’t know what they do in particular.
You may check the configs.
BTW: There are no numeral parameters in G28
Hmm… looks familiar to me:
[gcode_macro Calibrate_Z_Probe]
#rename_existing: BASE_PROBE_CALIBRATE
{% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
G28 # home if not homed
{% endif %}
G0 Z10 F3600
Bauraumlicht VALUE=0
[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
# Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - PLEASE CUSTOMISE THE SCRIPT
G21 # metric values
G90 # absolute positioning
M82 # set extruder to absolute mode
M107 # start with the fan off
M117 Heating bed...
M190 S{params.BED_TEMP|default(75)|float} # heat to bed setting
M117 Settling bed...
G4 P210000 # wait 4 minutes for bed to reach temps - offset ~ 15 °C
M117 Homing... ; display message
G28 Y0 X0 Z0
M117 Adjusting Z-tilt...
G28 Z0
G0 X1 Y-3.5 F12000
G0 Z0.2 F2000
M117 Heating hotend...
M109 S{params.HOTEND_TEMP|default(200)|float} # heat to hotend setting
Where did you find my scripts??
On my CoreXY I have a LED band installed called Bauraumlicht:
[gcode_macro Bauraumlicht]
SET_LED LED=LED_Bauraum WHITE={params.VALUE|default(1)|float}
Just delete its occurrences and the errors should be gone.
G28 without anything should home all axes.
1 Like
July 24, 2023, 1:32pm
I have no idea how these macros came to be.
I haven’t modified my printerconfig in months.