Unknown command: BED_LEVELING_START

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality K1 Max
MCU / Printerboard:

  • gd32f303xe (Main MCU)
  • gd32e230x8 (Levelling MCU)
  • gd32f303xb (Noozle MCU)

Host / SBC: Razer 14"-Laptop, Xubuntu 22.04
klippy.log (1.9 MB)

Hello to the forum,
I do have a problem starting a bed levelling when starting a print:
Although I selected “Bed Leveling” in the OrcaSlicer-dashboard under “Fans & Output” card, I always get the following error message in my console:

{"code":"key61, "msg":"Unknown command:BED_LEVELING_START", "values": ["BED_LEVELING_START"]}

And I don’t know why. If I select “calibration” when starting a print job via the printer’s touch panel, a bed levelling is done.

Does someone has the same problem or a solution?

Regards from Germany

BED_LEVELING_START is not a command provided by Klipper, nor is it defined anywhere in your Klipper config. In fact, I can’t find any reference to this command in the OrcaSlicer code or on the internet at large, so I have no idea what would be attempting to call it other than you explicitly adding it somewhere in your slicer config.

To fix this you need to either figure out what’s calling this command and make it call something that actually exists (like your BED_LEVELING macro) or create a BED_LEVELING_START macro that does what you need it to.

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I can’t find that tab too.

Can you provide a screen copy?