Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 V2
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file. Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
Be sure to check our Knowledge Base and in particular this and this post
Describe your issue:
So I had to do a fresh install of Klipper. I copied over my printer config that I was working on beforehand. I tried to run a test print and got the following in the console:
2:55 PM
bed_mesh: generated points
Index | Tool Adjusted | Probe2:54 PM
Generating new points…
2:54 PM
Points: x: 5, y: 5
2:54 PM
Algorithm: lagrange
2:54 PM
Object bounds, clamped to the bed_mesh: (15.0, 15.0), (225.0, 225.0)
2:54 PM
0 object points, clamping to bed mesh [(15.0, 15.0) (225.0, 225.0)]
2:54 PM
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“GCODE:”
2:54 PM
2:54 PM
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“VARIABLE_MIN_PROBE_COUNT: 3”
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“VARIABLE_PROBE_SAMPLES: 2”
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“VARIABLE_MESH_AREA_OFFSET: 5.0”
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“VARIABLE_PARAMETER_AREA_END: 0,0”
2:54 PM
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“RENAME_EXISTING:”
2:54 PM
Unknown command:“GCODE_MACRO”
Then it did the bed mesh. Then it did the bed mesh a second time after printing the prime lines, shut the bed heater off and started printing without doing prime lines. I looked over the config file and can’t see any reason why it did the bed mesh twice. Am I missing something? Thanks.
klippy.log (814.2 KB)