Using printer outside home network

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom DIY
MCU / Printerboard: RAMPS 1.4

No I don’t want to remote access my printer.

Hello all,

The thing is I want to take my custom made printer to an expo. However I don’t know how it will work outside my home network. I am thinking of using LAN cable to connect raspberry pi’s ethernet port to that of laptops’. Will it work?
Do I need to do some mod of network settings of Pi?

If you use KlipperSceeen, you can connect to the other network through the touchscreen. Then, you can either print from KlipperSceeen, or connect your laptop to the same WiFi, and access Mainsail. The IP address of your printer is displayed in KlipperScreen’s network settings.

Ah! Okay. But I don’t use klipper screen. Is there any other way? If nothing is possible then I’ll use some old android device as klipper screen.

If you don’t use KlipperScreen, you could attach a small display and keyboard to your Pi and connect to WiFi via the terminal.

You may also be able to edit wpa_supplicant.conf, but depending on your OS version, this may not be possible.

Perfect that I can do. Thanks a ton.

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