Hi! I’m trying to connect to mi pi zero w with KlipperScreen, from old Ipad 2 via VNC, using vncserver. Connection is ok, but it shows me only cli console.
My knowledge of Linux is not enough to solve this problem, has anyone succeeded in this?
VNC Server will create a new xwindow. You need to use something such as tigervnc scraping server instead.
I’ll post it here since this comes up first in search:
- Install tigervncserver v1.12.x
to set password
add following toxstrartup
script located in~/.vnc/
cd ~/KlipperScreen
exec ~/.KlipperScreen-env/bin/python ~/KlipperScreen/screen.py
- start vncserver:
vncserver :5 -geometry widthxlength -interface <ip address> -passwordfile ~/.vnc/passwd -localhost=0
Above should create a VNC virtual display listening at <ip address>:5905
This way you can run virtual KlipperScreen along regular desktop GUI.
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