Hi all.
As per picture I’m getting issues with the printer staying on its route. Every 10 minutes or so I need
to re-home in order to keep on track.
It won’t let me attach klippy because it’s over 8 mb.
Looks like a layer shift in both X and Y but seemingly not in exactly 45° or I do not see it properly.
If it is 45° then on a CoreXY it is only affected by a single motor.
Maybe for the 10k acceleration the 0.8 A for X and Y motor are too low.
But maybe the mechanic is not working smooth enough.
How warm do the gantry motors become when printing for some time?
Are they quite cool (motor current is too low) or hardly to touch (motor current can be ok or too high)?
I haven’t touched the motor’s… I will do so once i’m back to print. I do notice that the nozzel does scrape over the prints as it moves. I’m thinking maybe the accels are to high? or maybe not retracting when moving so its missing a step?