What is better?


I am starting to print and I have realized that the measurement on the Z axis is not correct, even for the first pieces that I have made, the nozzle at 35/40 mm hits the piece.

I have seen that there are two methods to adjust this:

1- Method 1, changing the parameter [full_steps_per_rotation]
2- Method 2, changing the parameter [rotation_distance]

Which of the two systems is more recommended?


This one is hardware given and depends on the stepper motor you use. Usually it is 200 steps per rotation. This is set once when it is not 200.

This is the way to go. You have to calculate the way the stepper moves - in this case the z- axes - when the stepper motor makes one rotation.

The exact amount of movement depends on the - most commonly - threaded rods you use.


The steppers motors, are 0.9 deg/step = 400 steps.
The leadscrews of uses the printer are TR8*4, in my config files, i can see:

full_steps_per_rotation: 400
rotation_distance: 4

I suppose that 1 revolution 4 mm.

with this info, i print the calibration cube (20x20x20), and in Z measure 20x20x19,1 mm.

New rotation_distance = (4 x (19,1 / 20 ) = 3,82 → when motor does 1 rotation, z axis move 3,82.

Are the maths ok?


I would stick to

except the leadscrews has shrunken. These TR8 are quite precise.

You are almost a millimeter off, so I would suggest to print a 30 mm height cube with an indent at 10mm, to take the bed squishing out of the calculation.

You also can do this:

  1. Move the printhead to a certain height, e.g 50 mm
  2. Measure the distance to the bed.
  3. Move the head another 100 mm up
  4. Measure again
  5. Subtract the first measurement.
  6. Compare the result to the second movement
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I take this opportunity to ask a question that has come up… since I am going to check [rotation_distance] on the Z axis, I take advantage and also adjust it on the X and Y axes. But being a corexy… the parameter [rotation_ distance]:

  • You mean a axis (X/Y)?
  • You mean an engine (X and Y movement?

I ask, since it is a Corexy, when one motor rotates it moves diagonally, so perhaps we should put the calibration piece rotated 45º in Z. No?

I find it more difficult to identify which motor is assigned to X and which to Y…
