Hello, i love the feature to check the Z accurancy of my Z-Axis.
Is it correct, that my accurancy on the Z Axis in one step phase is 0.0625mm in height?
4mm = 200 steps (one turn of the stepper) = 64 stepper phases
1 phase = 0.0625mm
Is there any change to FORCE the driver to a specific phase after homing? Lets say the printer optimal stepper phase is 31/64. If i home now to 29/64 the printer should move the stepper to 31/64 (if its in tolerance of x phases).
step_pin: PB25
dir_pin: !PC28
enable_pin: !PD5
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 4
endstop_pin: ^PD10
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 211
homing_speed: 5
homing_retract_dist: 1
homing_retract_speed: 3
second_homing_speed: 1
homing_positive_dir: false
[endstop_phase stepper_z]
endstop_accuracy: 0.04
# Sets the expected accuracy (in mm) of the endstop. This represents
# the maximum error distance the endstop may trigger (eg, if an
# endstop may occasionally trigger 100um early or up to 100um late
# then set this to 0.200 for 200um). The default is
# 4*rotation_distance/full_steps_per_rotation.
trigger_phase: 35/64
# This specifies the phase of the stepper motor driver to expect
# when hitting the endstop. It is composed of two numbers separated
# by a forward slash character - the phase and the total number of
# phases (eg, "7/64"). Only set this value if one is sure the
# stepper motor driver is reset every time the mcu is reset. If this
# is not set, then the stepper phase will be detected on the first
# home and that phase will be used on all subsequent homes.
#endstop_align_zero: False
# If true then the position_endstop of the axis will effectively be
# modified so that the zero position for the axis occurs at a full
# step on the stepper motor. (If used on the Z axis and the print
# layer height is a multiple of a full step distance then every
# layer will occur on a full step.) The default is False.