What speed is minumum for can bus setup

Sorry, I just looked and your board doesn’t have its own microcontroller so it doesn’t have its own firmware and operates completely different than the U2C. No firmware to flash for it.

It looks from the picture like you’ve got the 12Mhz crystal and not the 8, but you could see that more clearly in person. Did you add the appropriate lines to the config.txt on your Raspberry Pi as in the instructions here?: RS485 CAN HAT - Waveshare Wiki

Yes I did.

I think I will repeat this test once I have the formbot package and set up the test with both power supplies (24V, 5V), and the planned umbilical cable.
The decision is anyway set that I will first build the plain vanilla out of the box Voron 2.4. There is enough time to play around on the work bench and find a solution with or without the hat.