I’m running the Pressure Advance tuning and this is what the edge looks like:
Where would you say is the ideal value? I think it’s approximately there where that strange line is? But then there’s also the strange line. (Which probably is totally unrelated to the Pressure Advance tuning?)
There is barely any change visible except on the top…
Did you use the wrong factor for your printer? Maybe 0,005 for a bowden setup.
Some more details about your printer would be helpful.
It’s an FLSUN QQ.
The commands I was using are:
and this led to an output of:
// pressure_advance: 0.012000
// pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040000
// pressure_advance: 0.018000
// pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040000
// pressure_advance: 0.996000
// pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040000
// pressure_advance: 1.002000
// pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040000
There seems to be some difference at the bottom. Before the “edge bulge” there’s a kind of groove and that is much wider at the bottom than it is at the top.
You can see that also in my first photo, that dark line that is almost parallel to the edge, that is not a shadow, that’t the edge of the “groove”.
What about the other corners? Are they as bulgy as this one in the photos?
For me this does not look right.
Did you properly set e-steps and retraction?
PA should compensate for overextrusion on corners but this reference corner is wrong.
Maybe there is the Z-seam but then the other corners should better reflect the changing PA factor.
Yes, they are all the same. The Z-seam is on the inside and in the middle.
I calibrated e-steps and I used the same print settings that I usually use. That includes a retraction of 6.5 mm, I think that came by default with the Cura profile. I just noticed though that I only used 2 walls (1 inner 1 outer) here, while I usually use 3.
Did you ever resolve your issue?