Z-Axis problems on custom build

printer.cfg (4.0 KB)

Hi folks,

I set up the SKR V2 on my old RepRap Neo.
After some issues which could be fixed, the Z-Axis makes still trouble.

Here are some general Information:
All drivers are TMC2225, I declared them as TMC2208 due to the missing configs for them.
X, Y and the Extruder are working fine.
The Z-Axis is mounted to an spindle with 1mm of pitch.

I already got the Z-Axis to work. But with an increadibly loud noise. But mostly it’s just horrofying noise and nothings move.
I changed everything already with the working axis and the placement on PCB itself with no sucksess.

So there must be an issue on the config. But I can’t figure out what. Changing the rotating distance makes no difference, also microsteps, run_current or stealthchop

Can you help me please?
Thank you :slight_smile:

If your Z-Axis is a lead-screw then both speed and acceleration are at least a factor 10 too high, causing this ugly noise.
Try something along:

max_z_velocity: 8
max_z_accel: 120

Edit: Also check the rotation distance for the Z-Axis. Does the screw really have only one lead? Also ref to Config Z lead screw 8mm diameter, 1 start, 2mm pitch - #2 by Sineos

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Perfect, that was the problem. Thank you.

To the screw: I can see at the top of the screw only one pitch. So it is in my opinion an one threaded rod.
The printers mechanic is already 10 years old and was even then one of the cheaper ones. So I think that’s the reason for such low quality. But it works fine :+1:

And if I say that it should go 10mm it goes 10mm. And thats with the calculated settings, not the tested one. So it should be fine