Z axis travel adjust

There are leadscrews with only 1 mm but they are slow as hell.
Have 2 mm ones on my IDEX to have a stable Z axis if the motors are off.
But yeah 1 mms are very rare or uncommon here.

  1. No I don’t have a datasheet of the lead screws.
  2. Adjusted.
  3. Yes the z-motion runs freely and smoothly.
  4. The result is the same. But the motors now make a grinding sound.

IMO, this would rather point to a mechanical issue or too weak/ too low torque steppers. Make double sure the axis runs smoothly.
To wit, you would only notice an issue if you remove the lead-screw and run the axis up and down by hand.

Unfortunately I do not find a proper (readable) schematic for this cra…wonderful board, but I assume that the two z-connectors (you are using them, right?) are wired in parallel.

If so, you would need to double your current setting.

Can you make a photo of the z-axes setup and post it here?

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: what can i say! you are right!
I bought this board because was cheap and I didn’t know if I would like printing! I LOVE IT!!! I have an Ender 3 pro and that’s my work worse, I don’t print to make money simply has a hobby, making robots and anything I need around the house.
My previous build was a hypercube and the board worked ok! Yes! It doesn’t mean it didn’t broke! I’ll ask Santa Claus for a new board! Who knows!

Here it is. One of the lead screws is not connected because I was seeing the behavior of the motor.


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