5 z axis motors, but only used 1 z axis motors to run for printing

I have 5 z axis motors, if I want to run only 1 z axis motor when printing. The others 4 z axis motors will be doing for bed levelling only, after that will stay idle. Can this be done?

  1. Can 1 single stepper move a bed supported by 4 other steppers?
    Not sure what your question means, are you telling 1 single stepper to move around 4 steppers?

  2. Aside from the firmware, this sounds mechanically weird → massively over-constrained system
    Not very strange.

  3. When these steppers are enabled, they will block motion until their holding torque → Usually when a Z stepper is enabled, all are enabled, although they can be disabled manually.
    Yes, it will enable all steppers. But what I want is that the other 4 steppers are just for bed levelling used, it doesn’t move or idle while printing.

Here’s the idea of ​​what I’m looking for:

The green circles are the positions of the 4 steppers, but not for printing, only for bed leveling purposes.

Example delta 3d printer, the bed does not move, although some 3d printers corexy or others have the same functionality as the bed does not move. So the bed doesn’t move, and most 3D printers using mechanical screw wheels on a very flat and balanced surface to adjust the height of the bed. I want to replace these mechanical screw wheels with 4 steppers. When the bed level gcode is triggered, the 4 steppers will automatically adjust the height of the bed after the bed mesh is complete.

Like the voron2.4, the bed is not moving, but it uses a quad bed level to level the bed very flat or balanced. But it uses 4 steppers, so once the quad bed levels are done, those 4 steppers will be used as the z-axis when printing.

Hello @daxzero !

To not get confused with other kinematic printers, the main axes on a delta printer are described as A, B and C:


I don’t know if the bed levelling with 4 extra steppers are possible out of the box, but usually the bed of a delta is a fixed item, so you may try this:


The rest of the levelling is done by the axes A,B and C

Hello Eddy,

So how to define the steppers for this screw_tilt_adjust features?

No steppers, manual screws.
Like such:


You only have to level it once.

The fine bed levelling is done by the A/B/C axes. Implied you have a measuring device like a BL-Touch

okay, but i still insist want to screw it by using steppers. How to do it?

Afaik, out of the box, Klipper can’t do it.

You also need a printer board with at least 8 stepper drivers.
Then a priority is to be made: what part is responsible for the levelling? These 4 steppers or the A/B/C axes.

You also can go a different approach if it is just for levelling the print bed once in a while:
You can use an Arduino with 4 stepper drivers for that and write a program for that…

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Yes, for sure, the printer board will add 8 more steppers or more.

Will used others these 4 stepper motors. Maybe nema 11.

Then how does Klipper communicate with Arduino if I write my own program?