I’d like to support different filament sensors I have build. To test them further I will write some code to include them in klipper and I like to know whether or not the code would be a candidate for merging or if such features are not accepted or if there is a better approach to support this sensors.
Do new MCU features need to be available for all controllers when contributed? Are new MCU commands/feature generally accepted?
For example I make use of a Quadrature Encoder on the RP2040 running in the PIO state machines. As far as I can see there is no direct support for QDEC. Running the QDEC in klippy and issuing a lot of MCU commands to read back the pin values makes no sense. The QDEC needs to handle frequencies up to 1kHz and probably more. So running the QDEC on the MCU and only reading the counter value from klippy makes more sense.
Another example are filament width sensors with more complex construction such as CCD Sensors. It is not possible to use them with the currently available MCU commands.