Adding palette 2s to my ender 3 v2

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 V2
MCU / Printerboard: 4.2.7


I’ve got myself a palette 2s and was wondering haow would I attach it to klipper. I am a newbie at 3d printing and klipper.

klippy (3).log (279.5 KB)

You may have a look here:

Is there anything I need to install. I am confused at what needs to be done

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Do I need to add that to a config folder.

Items under the Configuration Reference section goes into the printer.cfg or its own .cfg file using [include palette.cfg] at the top of the printer.cfg

Note: CANVAS hub might be required.

Ok thank you. I have created a palette.cfg and added the code from the configuration reference. Added include palette.cfg into printer.cfg.

Is there anything else I will need to do apart from add the palette serial id into the config file

Hey bud… did you have success connecting your Palette 2s to klipper? I just order a canvas Hub… but not sure if I need a Canvas Hub s(unfortunately i cannot find the Hun s for sale anywhere).

Please and thanks for you help