All these touchscreens are scaring me

It seems like every printer these days has a touchscreen on it. So unless you want to build your printer like a voron, is there any chance of getting any of the new tronxy or creality printers to work with klipper or marlin?

I literally know nothing about those touchscreens. Are they guis running on the display and communicating with the firmware like the bigtreetech tfts or are all these companies making their own firmwares now or did marlin add touchscreen support and I missed it?

If I don’t want to do the work of making a voron what should I do for my next printer?

Not sure I follow all of what you’re saying here. A screen isn’t necessary to run Klipper.

Some of the new printers do have screens that aren’t compatible with Klipper. If the main board supports it you can swap the screen for an older LCD, you can install a touch screen connected to the Pi and run KlipperScreen, or you can run the printer without a screen. I’ve done all 3 on various printers.

Yeah but I don’t love any of those options.

Then I would suggest not buying a printer with a screen that isn’t supported in Klipper.

Well my worry is that soon I won’t have a choice. What was the last printer released with a screen that supports Klipper?

Many currently available printers have screens that work in Klipper. I build my own printers, so I don’t personally care what the printer manufacturers are doing.