Anycubic kobra 2 neo v0.7.3.5 configs + OrcaSlicer profiles

To teach others you have to be able to be able to. I do not have such knowledge and I want to learn myself.

@zamonary1 I check your configurations so carefully and changed and added to them what works better for me and to remove errors such as:

Unknown command:"G2"
Unknown command:"G3"

For me, I don’t want to act what you’ve posted to add as a startgcode and end gcode in Prusaslicer.

@zamonary1 Unfortunately, .config that you recommended me doesn’t work for me.
Compilates a 25 KiB bin file instead of 28 KiB.

I don’t know what is this exactly. You should try using my configs because they enable the support for arc moves and thus for G3 command.

Try putting the values into linker script manually, as mentioned in original post. I haven’t tried compiling without putting values manually so this may be the problem.

I arranged this problem by adding to printer.cfg:

The Start and End Gcode option is in 2 places in one has this content:

G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M83 ; extruder relative mode
M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder temp
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp
G28                                        ; move X/Y/Z to min endstops
G1 Z0.28                                   ; lift nozzle a bit 
G92 E0 
G1 Y3 F1800                                    ; zero the extruded length 
G1 X60  E25 F500                       ; Extrude 25mm of filament in a 5cm line. 
G92 E0                                     ; zero the extruded length again 
G1 E-2 F500                                ; Retract a little 
G1 X70 F4000                              ; Quickly wipe away from the filament line


M104 S0                                    ; Extruder off 
M140 S0                                    ; Heatbed off 
M107                                       ; Fan off 
G91                                        ; relative positioning 
G1 E-5 F3000  
G1 Z+0.3 F3000                             ; lift print head 
G28 X0  F3000
M84                                        ; disable stepper motors

Should I exchange this data or add? If so, at the beginning or end?

There is nothing in the 2nd location or own gcode.

I didn’t change anything in .config I just did a compilation for the test as he does.
At Debian in the HP terminal, it made me at 25KiB. On a laptop with Arch, it compiled about 28 KiB.
Debian is a pure netstat Debian installation without any plasma or gnome environment. I just added SSH and sudo and made an installation by Kiauh.
Your compilation has about 29 KiB.

Let’s get through it one-by-one.

What do you mean by “adding” feature that is already in the printer.cfg? I think that you are not using my configs and getting help here is kinda irrelevant. Just use my configs, they are well-tuned and stable enough, no major faults so far.

This is NOT my gcode. Hell, this is NOt even a klipper gcode. You should consiger using my gcode, because there’s a reason why i posted it alongside my configs. This gcode has been made to work with klipper and utilize the kobra 2 neo hidden features, for example extra space that’s being unused on PEI sheet is now used to do a purge line without taking space on your printing area.
I was thinking that i am helping you troubleshoot my configs, but actually you were asking for help on everything except configs! Man, just use the original discussion about kobra 2 neo, this section is all about my configs and general help somehow related to them, suggestions and bug reports. I hope you would get my point.

How are you even determining the offsets? can you explain?

I use your configurations from 1 post.
I placed the printer.cfg file on the Copy/paste principle as well as the others. Exactly this V0.7.3.1.
In Prusaslicer I have original configurations provided by Anycubic with a printer for individual types of filament, i.e. Pla, Petg, and that’s where the Start and End Gcode section is what I placed.
As I throw these entries and replace your Prusaslicer, I don’t want to cut STL files.
The only thing I do is also change in the Prusaslicer setting in the printer settings section - a type of G -Code on the Marlin (Legacy) to Klipper.
Nothing more.

Can you specify what you mean?

The files provided by anycubic imply the use of marlin firmware, not klipper. You should use files that are created specifically for clipper, such as mine.

Also, i apologise because i forgot to add the gcode_arcs section to printer.cfg in the last updates. I was supposed to add them way back in 0.7.1. Thank you for submitting this issue to me.

How do you calculate the bootloader offset in compiled binaries? How can they vary so much?

So where should I download profiles to the Klipper?

I still have 2-3 add-ons/changes to printer.cfg.

I have no idea why there are such differences.
I threw unchanged .config from @kvgx12 to check if it will make a capacity similar size to your bin file.
From the last update, Klipper has started to make bin 25 KiB files.
On the arch in a laptop he made me on this .config from @kvgx12 28 KiB.
There are only 2 common features, i.e. a source of cloning Klipper and a formatted disk on ext4.

Just copy my start/end gcode and paste it into your slicer of choice.

Wait. HOW do you know the bootloader offset? How can you determine the value?

PlA, PETG etc. have other printing or temperature parameters so how to divide them into types?
If I am to paste into ready -made profiles prepared by Annycubic, I do not want to cut and show errors.
Prusaslicer from version 2.6.0 has a built -in converter for the Klipper in the printer settings.

Specify what you mean. Earlier I tested various variants and combinations of compilation settings and none of them made the correct bin file. Yes, the firmware.bin gets up to the printer but there is no communication with it.
That’s why I asked to share your .config as a correctly compile.

Just use the translator, you’re getting me mad!

This is a translator made by Google what I wrote.

Sorry, this forum allows English language only.

Try translator - Google Search

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Hello! When running G-code it gives the error “Unable to open file”. I don’t know where to dig…

Without further information it is impossible to help.

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.


I fixed everything. The virtual_sdcard address was entered incorrectly

This may be a stupid question, but… I can’t figure out how to extract and load the filament. I think there should be macros for this, but I don’t have them.

Oh, really? Let me fix real quick, thank you for reporting the issue.


You can find them in the dashboard tab (mainsail), down below.

Apparently I did something wrong. Here are all the macros available to me

did you paste this .cfg file onto Machine tab?