Auto leveling with weight sensor.Tare signal

Hi all. I am finishing to build my delta printer and install 3 weight sensors under table. I made the end stop emulator based 9n the stm8 controller+hx711 arduino bord. Its work fine on my skr1.3 bord with marlin. But I can not find correct way to configure kliper for send tare signal before every one measure. Please give me good advice how to do it. Thank you.

You could probably abuse the deploy gcode functionality for that

After reread the documentation about configuration klipper, I found the easy way to make it.
What I did:
Define pin out:

[output_pin tare]
pin: P2.0 # SKR 1.3 servo pin
value: 0

Define gcode for blink it:

[gcode_macro blink_tare]
  SET_PIN PIN=blink_tare VALUE=1
  G4 P200 #sleep
  SET_PIN PIN=blink_tare VALUE=0

And set gcode blink_tare in probe section:

activate_gcode: blink_tare
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