Bed-Flinger: Ability to Slow Y Moves as Function of Z

(New to Klipper, apologize in advance if this is wrong place for feature request.)

It might improve print adhesion and accuracy to automatically decrease speed of Y moves on large bed-flinger printers by a selectable factor, as height of the print increases.

My print volume is 300x300x400. Every small wobble or vibration of the bed (which can never be completely eliminated mechanically) is exaggerated at the top of a tall model. Additionally, depending on the geometry of the model, the model itself can resonate at the top like a tuning fork. Effect can intensify when there is a large mass of filament (say 1kg) already printed below below the current layer, which has a lot of momentum. The result is slighly misaligned layers on tall models, and even scraping of the nozzle on the top of the model during moves. (All of my printers are dual-Z and carefully calibrated.)

This can be worked around by slowing the overall speed of bed movement. But it would save printing time if the slowing could be introduced gradually, as the print gets taller, where the problem becomes more acute.

As you already have indicated in your post, not only the z-height but also other factors do play a role: mass, mass distribution, center of gravity etc.

As such I do not think that the printer’s firmware is a good place for such a functionality. Slicers typically give you the option to alter certain parameters depending on layer height etc. This way you can control such properties really depending on the model and not in a general way.


Yes, that does make sense.