Bed_mesh overruns the mesh boundries

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron Trident 300 - Siboor AWD
MCU / Printerboard: BIGTREETECH Manta 8P V2, SB2209 over CAN
klippy(5).log (153.5 KB)

Describe your issue:

No matter the scan_overshoot setting I set (tried none set, 0, 1, 8), the bed mesh scan overshoots the mesh boundaries, leading to a crash if the probe count in X is set to less than 30.
The scan area is set to 30x30 to 270x270, which should not conflict with the AWD’s no-go zones.
The Siboor AWD has 20x50mm (X by Y) no-go/crash zones at both ends of X and Y=0. With 30 probe points, the bed mesh scan doesn’t attempt to enter these zones, but with lower probe_counts, it does.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it a bug I could fix in klippy?

I’m also considering writing a prohibited_zone patch for klippy, but IDK if it would be a welcome addition, and it might be hard to make it a plugin.

Absolutely a bug, luckily not in Klipper but in your config. The mesh boundaries are relative to the probe position, so you need to take the offsets into account.

The cartographer Klippy modification overrides BED_MESH_CALIBRATE with its own calibration routine. It’s possible that stock Klipper options such as scan_overshoot do not work correctly with it. Perhaps someone that is currently running a cartographer probe can provide assistance, otherwise you may want to consider asking the cartographer devs.

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The overrun happens in X, and my probe offset in X is 0. Essentially, I want the tool head not to try to enter the strips ((0, 0), (20, 300)) and ((280, 0), (300, 300)) ((X, Y)). It is not trying to probe there but creates a sweeping motion there. However, if probe_counts is less than 30 it reaches into these regions, I think with 30, it goes something like X=21.

Ahh, that is what I think I was missing. Thanks for that info!!

It looks like carto’s klipper code has mesh_overscan parameter that is not documented anywhere: cartographer-klipper/ at 157c0dacf39eb96d784918f4b2b8877e9a70413c · Cartographer3D/cartographer-klipper · GitHub

I will try it out.

In fact it is, but seems a bit unlucky formatted and worded.

In archive, uff. I haven’t looked there, and when I tried using search, it errored out.

I can confirm that setting:

mesh_overscan: 7
#   Distance to use for direction changes at mesh line ends. Omit this setting
#   and a default will be calculated from line spacing and available travel.

resolved my issue.