Bed mesh with BL Touch?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy 500
MCU / Printerboard: Spider 2.2

would like to speed up a bit the mesh procedure.
the speed by moving from one point to the next is

speed: 120

where do I finde the speed my Z moves up on touching the bl touch?
are there settings for bl touch out there for faster procedure?

THX !!

It’s all described here:

… and much more.

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This is somewhere you don’t want to go faster - slow going down will ensure the most accurate sensing and slow going up will prevent any backlash that will make subsequent measurements inaccurate.

It’s best to leave it as is (or even slow down) and go have a coffee while it’s running.


I do know the doc
found the settings that indicate speeds, x/y can go fast, Z down fast but Z up on 1mm/s

speed: 150
horizontal_move_z: 5  # min 2.5
algorithm: lagrange
probe_count: 4,4
mesh_min : -5, -10
mesh_max : 430, 330
sensor_pin: PA0
control_pin: PA2
pin_move_time: 0.15
lift_speed: 10  # max 30
x_offset: -23
y_offset: -70
z_offset: 2.6  
speed: 1

[safe_z_home] #BL Touch
home_xy_position: 227, 180 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed
speed: 150
z_hop: 0                 # move before cal x
z_hop_speed: 1

these values seams to be a good and fest setting

my bed is bad :slight_smile:

0.225 mm

If your bed is warped too much, you may try this:


do you know which material that is
high temperature resist and not blocking?

Maybe try it with Aluminum foil first.
Can be easily removed and should be better in terms of thermal conduction than adhesive tape.

but isnt Aluminium blocking the heat?

You should be using Kapton Tape. It is insensitive to the heat that it would experience in a 3D printer and can be easily peeled off. The big downside is that it’s somewhat expensive.

It’s very accurate in terms of thickness - I don’t think aluminum foil should be a consideration because of the difficulty in working with to keep it completely flat and if it isn’t flat, it will damage your magnetic sheet.


Wouldn’t adhesive tape do this as well?
I have feeler gauge tape here. Is stainless steel and should better conduct heat.

like that?

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No, aluminium is a quite good thermic conductor. That’s why it is used for heatsinks.

As @mykepredko suggested, I used Kapton tape. It’s way more easy to remove.

No, normal tape gets soft with the used temperatures. And often it is too thick.

Yes! The material of my choice.

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