After installing the BL Touch I cannot Home All. When I try to home all, the nozzle digs into the bed. Do I have setting wrong somewhere? I also verified that the BL Touch is working correctly by using the deploy and stow commands.
Before installing Klipper to the printer, BL Touch and auto home was working fine. Not sure what went wrong…
home_xy_position: 215, 215
# A X, Y coordinate (e.g. 100, 100) where the Z homing should be
# performed. This parameter must be provided.
Thanks, I finally got the BL Touch working and homing like it should. Found the issue, In the BL Touch Klipper documentation it states “should be roughly 2 mm above the nozzle when retracted” mine was about 5 mm above the nozzle when retracted. Once I adjusted that, BL Touch worked perfect!