Bltouch Cr-10 Mini - BLTouch failed to deploy

Ladies’ & Gents’,

I have to admit that I am starting to chase my tail here and am repeating things I swear that I have already tried. So here we are, I need some (maybe a lot) of help. lol

I have just migrated from TH3D’s version of Marlin to Klipper. Which is the firmware that I originally moved to in order to get BLTouch working. I have been running it for a few years now with no other hardware changes. So I figured that Klipper would have no issues and I liked the idea of one file config as I could change the Z home location on the fly to home it on a workpiece that I wanted to use the laser head instead of the printer one.

So far I have the X & Y axis homing and moving just fine and am trying to get BLTouch working. I have it where it will pass the pin-up, down, and query tests just fine. It even reports triggered correctly, except for when I try to home the Z-axis. The gantry will move up, deploy the pin, gantry moves down till the pin is triggered, then starts moving up a little bit. When bam… aprupt stop and the error “BLTouch failed to deploy,” and the MCU disconnects.

Following the tests on “BL-Touch - Klipper documentation”, the only difference so far that I just noticed is that it seems that in that documation it implys that you have to tell the pin to move back up after you have triggered it in touch_mode. My unit’s pin stays up after it was triggered. Not sure this has anything to do with it.

Sorry for the information overload and I really hope someone here can help as I am really looking forward to using Klipper and my printer again. (projects are pileing up…)

Thanks in advance,
Zeus3024 (126.7 KB)

Hello @Zeus3024 !

You activated:

probe_with_touch_mode = True

So you have a BLtouch V3?

You may check this page:

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Thanks @EddyMI3D!!!

It now probes twice and doesn’t disconnect!!!

Went back into the config and noticed where I had it listed twice. One that was commented out but not the other. I also commented out “#pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: True” as it mentioned touch_mode.

Thanks a lot for the help!!!

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