BTT Pi Board Fan PG19 pin doesn't work

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: BTT E3 RRF
klippy.log klippy (2).log (4.0 MB)


I’ve connected fan on PG19 pin of the BTT Pi and Klipper doesn’t recognize them. Do you have a config to make it work?

error mainsail : Pin ‘PG19’ is not a valid pin name on mcu ‘mcu’

actually I’ve bypass with one pin on my board but I want to use PG19 pin on BTT PI

[temperature_fan raspberry_pi]
pin: PB6
kick_start_time: 0.8
#shutdown_speed: 0
off_below: 0.1
max_power: 1.0
#fan_speed: 0.6
sensor_type: temperature_host
control: pid
min_temp: -40
max_temp: 85
#max_delta: 5.0
pid_kp: 1.0
pid_ki: 0.5
pid_kd: 2.0
min_speed: 0.1
max_speed: 0.6
target_temp: 38

If i create and another MCU like this :

[mcu host]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu

And define :

[temperature_fan raspberry_pi]
pin: host:PG19

I’ve got message like this : Pin ‘PG19’ is not a valid pin name on mcu ‘host’

Thanks and hope we can solve this issue

Well, there is no PG19 pin!

Good luck, hcet14

PG19 pin is on BTT PI

thanks ^^

Can you provide the schematics?

So, what board do you have?

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I guess I got it:
Printer mainboard:: BTT E3 RRF

wants to connect a fan to this PG19 (last picture)

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that’s right, thanks for precision

You need to find out, how PG19 is connected to the H616 controller. But BTT doesn’t provide the schematics. You could ask BTT support.

A post was split to a new topic: BTT Pi - GPIO Numbering

I took the liberty to move the solution into the “Config” category for easier future reference.
Good job in finding and sharing this solution @So6Rallye :+1:


On the BTT Github for this board they have a section regarding the fan - BTT-Pi/BIGTREETECH Pi V1.2 - Board Fan Pin Configuration at master · So6Rallye/BTT-Pi · GitHub

Also follow this: RPi microcontroller - Klipper documentation (

Yep, it’s me, i’ve made pull request with the solutions on BTT github. look the end of your link " So6Rallye/BTT-Pi · GitHub" :upside_down_face:

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