Can not restart mcu

Basic Information:

Printer Model: stm32f103c6t6
MCU / Printerboard:

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
restart_method: command
1# restart_method:arduino
baud: 250000

Describe your issue:

my issue just like this frequently asked question

When I set restart_method=command my AVR device just hangs on a restart

No matter what the reason is , if the communication between CPU and MCU is lost,

it would not be possible to reconnect with the MCU by clicking on restart firmware or restart klipper or moonrake.

The only way to establish connection is to power the klipper driver board again.

Besides, I do not use bootloader. I flashed the compiled bin into the mcu by stlink .

Linux host PC communicates with STM32F103C6 board via CH340.

can anyone help me !!!

Hello @bihai !

Maybe restarting the Klipper service from the CLI can do it:

echo FIRMWARE_RESTART > /tmp/printer

Normally if you have Klipper firmware on the device communicating via USB the ID will start with


what do you mean i do not undstand ,and what should i do

Do you have the Klipper firmware on your board?


I have already used klipper to print several times. but i did not use any bootloader

Once connection is lost, The only to unplug and reconnect the USB cable.


issue solved restart method cheath