Ceramic 3D printer with mechanical paste extruder

Hi Everyone,
I built a ceramic 3D printer with Klipper. Here are my current configuration for this printer.

printer.cfg (4.0 KB)

  • Delta style
  • Uses a modified version of CERA-1 mechanical paste extruder
  • Uses BTT Octopus 1.1 controller board
  • The two motors for extruder and auger are synchronized using the following macro command

I hope it is useful to someone. Any comment or feedback is also appreciated.


very cool!

1 Like

Beautiful proyect!


Amazing !!!
i want to build one too, how fast does it goes? can you provide more informations and photos please?

Thanks in advance!

Hey, nice project ! I’m currently developing a ceramic extruder with Klipper. I was wondering about the settings of your main extruder (the piston). Do you have some sort of end stop to tell the stepper to stop when piston comes to the bottom ? I don’t see any in your config file.

I’m struggling with that, because an extruder in config cannot have an end stop.

I recommend using the dab system as the z endstop. If that’s what you’re referring to.

The main issue i’ve been dealing with is the extrusion rate and bringing gcode from slicers onto the printer successfully…