Config for Anycubic Mega X Printer

Hi guys,
i have build Config for the Anycubic Mega X Printer, that i want to share with you. There was no config file for this printer available. When using the Anycubic i3 Mega config, you will crash your Y axes, because the Mega X has a different sensor that reads different on the micro.

printer-anycubic-mega-x-2020.cfg (1.4 KB)

Greetings from germany


Thank you for this. I used it on my Mega X with tnc2209 drivers and everything works. I did need to reverse a couple of motors, but the config was almost perfect.

Hi. do you have any update on your config? Thanks


Ich bin neu hier und habe noch keine Erfahrung mit klipper. Was muss ich an der config ändern, wenn ich TMC2208 Treiber verwende?

Prinzipiel sollte die Configuration gehen evtl. musst du noch den Punkt “dir_pin” anpassen wenn die Motoren in die falsche Richtung laufen, hier sollte es dann reichen das Ausrufezeichen zu entfernen.

Führe einfach die Schritte der Installatonsanleitung durch: Installation und mache am Ende Unbedingt die “Configuratio Checks”: Config Checks da du hier eigentlich alle nicht passenden Konfigurationen siehst.

Sollten die Motoren in die Falsche Richtung laufen einfach wie in der Anleitung beschrieben Drucker ausschalten und Konfiguration anpassen.

Hier siehst du wie du die Achsen und den Extruder mit Klipper Kalibrierst: Rotation Distance Kalibrieren

@gabber130779 @Syken: Please stick to English out of coutesy for the other users reading here

It seems the TMC2209 drivers end up being reversed compared to other drivers. I’ve noticed this too when upgrading a printer.

I just wanted to say thank you for posting this config. It helped me out tremendously.


That may be possible that other drivers are reversed in polarity of the direction signal. I have made this config for the factory original drivers in my printer.

Here is my actual configuration of my Anycubic Mega X, it’s a little updated incl. filament runout switch and some Repetierserver functions (i think) plus start/stop Macro:

printer-anycubic-mega-x-2020 new.cfg (2.9 KB)

i have a Anycubic Mega X.
New Fans, TMC2008 stepper driver, BL-Touch (maybe V3.2) and a dualgear extruder. Can i use this printer.cfg?


I think you have to modify it a little bit. At least the extruder section and maybe the dir and/or enable pin configuration for the stepper motors from the axis depending on if these pins on your new drivers are active low or active high

The current firmware i use is a “special” firmware (knutwurst) because of the stepper driver. They have a different direction of rotation.

Makes we wonder. Why a firmware fork for to change the stepper direction. You can do it with genuine Klipper.

The author of the firmware has already created ready-to-use HEX files for various hardware configurations.

  • With(out) BLTouch
  • With(out) TMC2208
  • different types of displays
  • different types of printer (MegaX, MegaS,…)

With Marlin you need to recompile the whole Firmware if you do want to use other steppers etc.

With Klipper all changes are done in the config file, no firmware recompile needed. In klipper you change the polarity of the stepper signals simply by adding or removing a ! in front of the PIN name.
Its a good idea to use klipper with Repetierserver because you kann change the config file directly from the web interface.

a little did i know about klipper (lots of hours on YT :wink:
I would start with the “stock” klipper and the image from Raspberry Installer, don’t know the name of this webinterface.

Putting an “!” in front of a pin does not make a new fork. It’s just the way you configure Marlin.

Yes your right but we didn’t know was was changed in that specific version of Marlin so maybe enough to be a new fork. I don’t want to read both sourcecodes to compare it, because i know how long the Marlin code is.