Configuring Z Home to use Probing procedure

I have created a new PR that adds the capability to configure homing (the regular G28 command) to utilize the probing logic including multiple probing and averaging etc.

This was brought up in a previous (now locked) post as a featue that is not currently supported (Discourse: multiple-samples-on-home-z) and I have also seen this asked for in various other forums and posts.

Let me know all what you think :slight_smile:

@annocka99 Does this solve your problem fully?

One further thought I had on this is that while initially i thought that it was unfortunate that this implementation still required a ‘regular home’ to occur before the ‘probing home’ starts, it actually makes sense now that I use this a lot in practice. The advantage to this apparoach is that i can do a very fast initial home (treat the BLTouch like an end stop) which will give me a crude initial Z value but it means i can move the bed very quickly which is useful for my printer which is a Ender 5 Plus and has a lot of Z depth. Then a more accurate homing takes place with the probing method.