Connection lost using 2 webcams on RPI 3B

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality CR-10 V2 with bltouch
MCU / Printer
klippy (1).log (3.3 MB)
board: atmega2560 / Printerboard: Creality 2.5.2

Describe your issue:

When running two webcams (Logitech C920 via USB + PiCam 2) on my RPI 3B with a Klipperscreen, the connection gets interrupted during printing. All runs well if I only use the PiCam2. Is the RPI hardware causing this propably?

Most probably you drawing too much current.
You can try to add external USB Hub with external power and connect cameras there.

Sometimes a hub helps.

General experience is that USB webcams can be (in fact, are) problematic in Klipper. Exact reason is unknown:

  • Too much current
  • Too high data rates
  • Other effects that causes timing issues on the USB bus

The effect is often depending on the camera model.