CR touch wiring and Config for Ender 3 v1.1.4

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: v1.1.4
Host / SBC

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

I read this.↓

I used the pin 29 near the capacitor, what should I put in the printer config?

any help appreciated. i dont mind soldering. I dont want to buy a new board.

This is how I soldered it up ↓

Does it work?

Typically this board uses following connection scheme:

Yes, but I didn’t want to remove the beeper. It works great.

Next tackling input shaping. :slight_smile:


but before that

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