Basic Information:
Printer Model: Creality Ender 3 & Creality Ender 3 V2 (v2 has a BL touch )
[MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2 (both)
Host / SBC: Pi 2 - 32bit
(klippy.log from Ender 3)
klippy.log (640.0 KB)
temperature sensor config. According to the git repo sample configs, the temp sensors are the same for both the Ender 3 and the Ender 3 V2 but I get errors like this in the fluidd ui:
MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range
Sensor ‘heater_bed’ temperature -36.285 not in range 0.000:130.000
Sensor ‘extruder’ temperature 1388.626 not in range 0.000:250.000
Creality default firmware shows temps at zero, so I’m sure this is a config error, but I’ve no idea how to address it.
I get the same error on both printers except for the actual temp reported is different between the printers. no idea how to troubleshoot or what to change.
pointers requested.
Hello @SirRance
I think you have the Pins for the Ender3 in the config, that was a different Board with different Pin-Names.
For the 4.2.2-Board you have to use different Pin-Names:
sensor_pin: PC5
sensor_pin: PC4
If you have other issues after that, maybe you have to use another config-example.
The “printer-creality-ender3-v2-2020.cfg” in your Klipper “config_examples”-Folder should work with the 4.2.2-Board.
You have to use the other config!
All the Pin-Names are different! 
You can look at the Pins for the Board here:
(Follow the lines from the Connector to the IC to find the Pin-Names)
Thank you @Schuessel
Somehow my printer config got completely jacked up. I thought I had used the default config for the v2 but somehow I was completely off. I erased my printer config completely and started over. now I have no errors on my Ender 3, I’ll update for BL Touch and test the v2 later.
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