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Describe your issue: On a Delta printer, what is a good way to define a target position for a dockable probe park that won’t be changed if the Z is re-zeroed?
The significance is that I have made a dockable Z probe for my Delta printer and attaching and detaching the sled works very well. Video of this at However, after the mesh the value of Z is changed, and parking the sled will fail. There is a further probe operation after the mesh to get the final Z position which again alters the Z.
O.K., I don’t seem to have explained the problem well, so I will try again.
Start by home all at X0, Y0, Z284.7mm (it is a Delta printer)
then go to the approach to the sled park at X99 Y-50, Z0.7
and then move to Y-61 where the sled is picked up,
followed by a raise to Z20 then a call to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
which runs correctly, however, the Z home is now at 287.3 instead of the original 284.7, and returning the sled to the park will fail.
The next part is using an under-bed nozzle contact probe, this time without the sled.
The nozzle is moved directly over the under-bed sensor at X45 Y80 and a PROBE command is given.
The output of this command is used to set the final Z Zero. This of course will mean that the Z is now wrong for picking up the sled the next time.
I think the X,Y position of this is probably the zero_reference_position.
I have managed to get it working by homing before each sled attach/sled detach and using relative moves, but this is slow and clunky.
Thank you Arksine and Sineos, you have given me some clues to work on. I fear that my programming skills are weak or non-existent for anything but assemblers for some processors so I expect it will take some work to get where I want to be.