Installed new PICO board
Got config all working nicely
When I do checks, even though all rotation distances are the same, same steppers, etc and worked fine on previous motherboard, the A stepper move a lot more than the others when doing BUZZ
If I now just incrementally move Z down, the A tower is moving a lot more than the others. Contrary to the klipper log, I changed the rot distances all to 40 and no diff
Any ideas?
You don’t have the TMC drivers configured. It’s possible one of them is running at a different microstep setting for some reason. You should add TMC 2209 sections so you can properly control the drivers.
So is it safe to just copy out of the pico cfg and rename to point to the delta steppers?
[tmc2209 stepper_a]
uart_pin: gpio9
tx_pin: gpio8
uart_address: 0
run_current: 0.8
hold_current: 0.6
stealthchop_threshold: 999999