Fill out above information andin all cases attach yourklippy.logfile (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting yourprinter.cfgis not needed Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
guys…i dont know if this matters, but i totally derped on the host. Its a Pi 3B+, not a 4b+…
does that matter?
I will try hooking up a different usb device and see if i can get that to recognize on that command.
im assuming that if i get the same error, it might be my pi?
ive reflashed the MCU a few times using the provided firmware, as well as my own compiled firmware. I can see on the SD card that it took the fimware.bin and its now fimware.cur, but neither seemed to do anything different.
edit -
i got my ADXL to connect to the pi!
so it is indeed my firmware that must be bad on the MCU. I’ll try compiling a new one and report back.