DSI touch screen + HDMI output

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CR10V3
stm32h745 / BTT E3 EZ V1:
Raspberry pi4b 4Gb
klippy.log (not yet)

Describe your issue:

Hi All.

I would like to ask if it is possible to run klipperscreen on multiple monitors, I have an attached raspberry PI DSI 7" touch screen and have klipperscreen on that no issue, I would like to do Tutorials and as the Pi has 2 HDMI outputs I am wondering if I can use one of them to feed an HDMI input on my atem so that folks have a better idea of what I am doing rather than having to try and focus a camera on the screen?

Thanks for any useful input.
Regards C

My gut feeling would be “no, not possible” as KS uses the display exposed by the Linux operating system, and I do not think it can switch between different displays.

A potential solution might be to run two KS instances, each grabbing its own display (Multi instance - KlipperScreen). I’m not entirely sure about this, though, as I have never tried it.

You might get better answers by posting this on the relevant KS project: GitHub - KlipperScreen/KlipperScreen: GUI for Klipper

Hi Sineos.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Ok Thank you I will try there.

Just to clarify, I would like the same screen to be present on both outputs The DSI (ribon cable) and one of the HDMI outputs that I can use on one of my atem inputs.

Tank you kindly, have a great day.
Regards C

The point is, each connected display gets a number assigned from the Linux operating system. This is done by the Xserver and the first is DISPLAY=:0, the second DISPLAY=:1 etc.
What you want is the same content on all these “x-displays”, but AFAIK KlipperScreen can only serve one such at a time.

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Hi Sineos.

Understood, thank you, it is a pity though. But, as you suggested, I did leave a comment on the klipper screen git, so, let us see if they possibly have any advise, maybe if I am lucky, a solution, again, thank you.

Regards C

Maybe I didn’t undertand what you want to do…
As I understand it, you want to capture the KS screen ?
If so, just open a VNC session on your PC, and capture the window with OBS.

Hi Yaaj

Thank for the suggestion, unfortunately though, this will not work, I am using an atem mini (dedicated hardware) to capture all video and audio content.

Also, I am running the light version of pi os so there is no desktop. I ssh into the pi if something needs to be done.

Regards C

You dont need a desktop for VNC. I don’t have one and use Klipper Scrren on my PC. (can be more convenient than Fluidd or Mainsail)

Just activate VNC server in raspi-config, and install a VNC client on PC/Mac/Android. The Pi VNC server will send content of the framebuffer to the client. The framebuffer (video memory) always exists, desktop or not. Even for the camera !

OBS will capture the video stream, and you can broadcast or save to a video file and later import into your video editing software. Did it many times.

Also can display KlipperScreen full screen on one of my monitors, meaning that the monitor receives the contents of the framebuffer over my local network : the video output of one of my GPUs is the contents of the framebuffer !

In other words, it was redirected to one of the HDMI outputs…

[EDIT] forgot to say… It’s a DSI touchscreen

I make use of a atem mini, I would like to use the hardaware I have for the intended purposes, I stopped using OBS because of issues on linux, OBS keeps buffgering out and is a paun in my behind. I would like an hdmi out on the pi. Thank you for explaining how you rout stuff, very nice setup. If I can get OBS to behave I might try it but dobt anything much will change, again, thank you.

such a product can provide a solution.

Maybe this also could fit your needs at little cost, and maybe it will cost you nothing :

(requires a seond Raspi…)

On the Raspi you want to capture, activate VNC server (raspi-config)
On the second Raspi, open VNC Viewer full screen. You will get the first Raspi (server) on the client HDMI output. A Raspi 3 is enough to build such a capture device. Maybe a Zero.

If you have one laying around, it’s worth testing.

AFAIK, VNC-Viewer is installed in the Raspbian OS (the full one, not the stretch/Lite)

(currently playing with such a setup : I want to duplicate KS on another display, wireless, but without a full desktop environment, just with a x11 server and minimalist software like matchbox)

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