Dual X-axes Configuration and Movement for a Binder Jet 3D Printer

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Octopus Max-EZ V1.0
MCU / Printerboard: Klipper_stm32h723
Host / SBC

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

I am working on a 3D Binder Jet Printer that requires dual X-axes operating independently. The first X-axis will move the printhead attached to the Y-axis along its axis while the second X-axis will help spread the powder needed for the printing on the print bed. I am using Klipper for this and I have stepper_x as Motor-1 and stepper_x1 as Motor-4 on my Octopus Max-EZ board printer.cfg file. Whenever I home the stepper_x, both stepper_x and stepper_x1 get triggered and move toward their home position. Unfortunately, on sending commands such as “G1 X+10 F6000”, both stepper_x and stepper_x1 move 10mm on their rails, and sending “G1 x1+10 F6000”, I get the error message, “Unable to parse move ‘G1 X1+10 F6000’.” What I need is for both stepper_x and stepper_x1 to be controlled independently. How do I make this work out? I need help.

I added a picture for visual purpose.

Thank you!
klippy (3).log (53.6 KB)

In general, it isn’t possible to individually control motors that are part of the main kinematics. You can define a [manual_stepper] config section for steppers you want to manually control. Alternatively, if it is just an occasional operation that requires independent actions it may be possible to use a FORCE_MOVE command (though doing that is error prone). Finally, it may be possible you could utilize a [dual_carriage] configuration (though that seems unlikely).


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I appreciate your contribution. I also found out about the [manual_stepper stepper_name] configuration. To be honest, there are certain shortcomings I am still trying to find a solution to.
Though I was able to come up with a macro to home the [manual_stepper], I am unable to come up with functional macros to retract and move the [manual_stepper] the way I need it to.

Whenever I home the [manual_stepper] and try to retract from the homing position, the stepper motor, moves the entire distance on the axis and even overshoots.

Do you have an ingenious solution to moving, homing, and retracting the [manual_stepper]?

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