Dual Z Probes for IDEX

Basic Information:

Printer Model: BCN Sigma D25 (2022)
MCU / Printerboard: Mega2560 based

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

Hey all, I recently acquired a BCN D25 IDEX printer that I’m installing Klipper on (the original SBC was dead, so I replaced it with a Pi 3B+). Both printheads have force sensors on them (not analog. output signal is equivalant to a basic switch) which allows for the nozzle to be used as a Z-probe. Configuring one probe is easy enough, and everything works well, but ideally I’d like to be able to configure BOTH probes so that I can probe the offset between my two carriages. I’m having trouble finding a way to do this in Klipper (or if it’s even possible). Is it possible to configure two independent Z-probes and link them to a specific carriage/extruder? If not, would it be possible to swap back and forth between active probes using a macro when appropriate?

Thanks in advanced!

I’m no expert on this by any means, but I don’t think that this will be possible, and that the issue runs much more deeply than it would initially appear.

On the surface, klipper only allows for a single probe definition in the config file, but it’s not as simple as modifying the code to allow for multiple probe definitions. If you look closely at the config file, you’ll notice that a lot of the coordinates listed are the probe coordinates rather than the nozzle coordinates. My understanding is that the way that klipper mitigates the complexity of multiple tool heads is to base everything on the coordinates of a single probe, and then modifying the nozzle coordinates at runtime for each tool head using SET_GCODE_OFFSET. If this is correct, then it implies that klipper is based on a single probe model to its core, and that implies that trying to add multiple probes would mean re-architecting klipper from the ground up.

Again, I’m no expert, I don’t know how klipper works on the inside, my information is based on my observations on how it works from the outside. As such, my opinion is worth roughly what you paid for it :slight_smile:

I think that you are going to have to settle on using one probe, and then modifying the nozzle coordinates at runtime.

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I have just found this posting when researching a similar problem, so perhaps I can piggyback my own query on this one.

I also have a twin-head printer (not true IDEX) which I am starting to Klipperize. In this case, both nozzles are used as probes, but only to find the Z height reference. The bed mesh scan is done with a piezo touch probe. YouTube video of calibration (using Repetier firmware) at Biceps dual head 3D printer calibration - YouTube

The problems in Klipper are how best to store the X, Y, and Z offsets between the two probes and also the same for the touch probe.

An additional problem is that the input for both the Z height sensor (single under-bed piezoelectric sensor) and the touch sensor are on the same pin - will this cause any problems in Klipper?


Hi all, I have problems, I would like your help. My Sigma D25 is from 2020 and doesn’t have the piezo, just the stoppers. After a storm the main plate (marlin) was lost, I need to change it for it to work. I’m thinking about using an octopus but I don’t know where to start. Can you help me, new here. Thanks

I would start a new topic!

Good luck, hcet14

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hcet14 Thanks, I’ll do that. In which category would it be good?

Same as this: General Discussion.

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