Duet Mini 5+ Klliper conversion Voron 2.4

Basic Information:

klippy (5).log (892.8 KB)
printer.cfg (5.8 KB)

Printer Model: Voron 2.4 350x350
MCU / Printerboard: Duet Mini 5+ (with driver addon)

Very new to Klipper so be gentle :stuck_out_tongue:

I seem to be stuck on the following error and not sure where to go from hereā€¦

Klipper reports: ERROR

Option ā€˜step_pinā€™ in section ā€˜stepper_zā€™ must be specified

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the ā€œRESTARTā€
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

Could anyone point me in the right direction?

In your printer.cfg, youā€™ve specified the first Z axis stepper as stepper_z0 it should be just stepper_z (with the other three Z axis steppers being stepper_z1, stepper_z2 and stepper_z3).

The error message is a bit misleading.

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Thanks that worked a treat. I do have a new issue
x and y are find end stop all configured pretty much ready to calibrate but z2 will only go one way, switched back to duet and no issues everything works as planned so its not wiring. has me stumped.

updated printer.cfg
printer.cfg (7.2 KB)
klippy (6).log (4.0 MB)

Can you provide more information about your original set up as well as what you observed?

How was z2 originally wired and what is different now?

I have Voron 2.4 350x350 with tap, duet mini 5+ with addin board that gives me 2 extra drivers

In it current config it has run with little to no issues for over 12 months.

If I buzz z2 it only moves in one direction the others have expected behaviour. No wiring changes have been made apart from adding a RPI 3 in usb mode and trying to setup klipper.

What happens if you change the wiring? Say swap the z2 and z3 drivers?

The problem follows

Sorry, what does that mean?

Does z3 behave like z2 did before the swap?

If so, then is the problem on the addon board and what is the addon board youā€™re using? How is the addon board wired to the Duet? Sorry, Iā€™m not that familiar with Duet addons.

The issue stays with the stepper on driver 5, so z2 is fine and z3 only moves one way, the stepper is on the main board not the add on board. Like is said earlier I switched back to rrf and donā€™t have the same issues, this why I donā€™t think itā€™s wiring or hardware

Looking over your printer.cfg and I see that you have put the z_virtual_endstop on all the ā€œstepper_z#ā€ pins - it should only be there for stepper_z and none of the others.

Could you try removing the

endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

line in stepper_z1, stepper_z2 and stepper_z3?

In doing research on the board, it seems that the select_pins need to be inverted for some of the drivers, but it appears youā€™ve done that.

Let me know if anything changes with removing the extra z_virtual_endstop lines.

printer.cfg (6.9 KB)

Line remove from z1,2 and 3 no change in behaviour unfortunately

Z2 still not function correctly up or down. Almost as if its not configured but when i use STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_z2 it only seems to turn in one direction and pulls the whole gantry down in that corner.

Thatā€™s like the DIR pin isnā€™t correct. Iā€™m saying that because the other culprits are a bad connection (but the TMC2209 is soldered to the board) or the TMC2209 is bad (but it worked before).

I did find other peopleā€™s printer.cfg files and the DIR pin for stepper3 (the one youā€™re using for z2) used there matches the ones that they are using.

Now, when I did look at people using the Duet Mini 5+, they did report issues with stepper3 because you need to invert the chip select (which you have done).

I canā€™t see anything else, maybe somebody who uses the board has some ideas or maybe thereā€™s something youā€™ve changed or observed changing that could be a clue?

only give away that something is wrong is when i use the STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_z2 all the other steppers jog up and down z2 only jogs down.

As @mykepredko suggested earlier, your dir_pin is incorrect for z2. You have dir_pin: PB21 and you need to have dir_pin: PD21 for DRIVER4.

I have not checked the rest of your config file but on a quick look there are other pin assignment discrepanciesā€¦

For reference, this is from a pre-release version of the sample printer.cfg for the Duet 3 Mini 5+ that Luke from LukesLab compiled:

# Pins for reference:
# Driver Step Pins - 0:PC26, 1:PC25, 2:PC24, 3:PC19, 4:PC16, 5:PC30, 6:PC18
# Driver Dir pins - 0:PB3, 1:PB29, 2:PB28, 3:PD20, 4:PD21, 5:PB0, 6:PA27
# Driver Enable - !PC28
# Uart addresses - 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:!0 5:!1 6:!2 | "!" is for inverted select pin
# Thermistor Pins - T0:PC0, T1:PC1, T2:PC2
# Vssa Sense - PB4, Vref Sense - PB5
# Current Sense resistor for drivers - .056ohm
# SPI lines:{PD11, PC7} -> Shared SerCom#7, SPIMosi:PC12, SPIMiso:PC15, SPISCLK:PC13
# Vin Monitor:PC3, uses 11:1 voltage divider
# LED's - Diag:PA31, Act:PA30
# 12864 LCD - LCDCSPIN:PC6, ENCA:PC11, ENCB:PD1, ENCSW:PB9, LCD A0:PA2, LCDBeep:PA9, LCD Neopixel Out:PB12 (shared with IO3.out)
# Neopixel Out - PA8
# Serial0 - TX:PB25, RX:PB24 (USB)
# Serial1 - TX:PB31, RX:PB30
# SBC SPISS pin:PA6, SBCTfrReady:PA3, SerComPins:{PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7}
# CAN Pins - TX:PB14 RX:PB15
# Heaters, Fan outputs - {Out0:PB17 Out1:PC10 Out2:PB13 Out3:PB11 Out4:PA11, Out5:PB2, Out6:PB1} | Out6 is shared with VFD_Out
# GPIO_out - {IO1:PB31 IO2:PD9 IO3:PB12 IO4:PD10} IO4 is shared with PSON
# GPIO_in - {IO1:PB30 IO2:PD8 IO3:PB7 IO4:PC5 IO5:PC4 IO6:PC31}
# Driver Diag - {D0:PA10, D1:PB8, D2:PA22, D3:PA23, D4:PC21, D5:PB10, D6:PA27}
# Mux Pin - PD0
# EXP headers only support 12864 LCDs
# Refer to https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/blob/3.3-dev/src/Duet3Mini/Pins_Duet3Mini.h for more details

Iā€™ve been using the Mini on multiple printers since before it was merged into Klipper mainlineā€¦

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Thanx, I think I stared at it too hard.

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