Ender 5 pro 4.2.7 Sonic - Issues finding a cfg file

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5
MCU / Printerboard: Creality Board 4.2.7

Describe your issue:


I am brand new to Klipper. I am running an Ender 5 pro with a 4.2.7 Board, CR touch, Micro Swiss Direct Drive, and a Creality Sonic (that I’ll probably return if I cant figure this out).

I am looking for a cfg file to create a bin that will account for 4.2.7 mainly and work on an ender 5 pro (thats my main priority). Hopefully it has CR touch and Micro Swiss settings aswell. Creality Ender 5 Pro (2021) v4.2.7 motherboard + BL Touch This link was somewhat helpful but ultimately got me nowhere.

I’ve been using my Sonic to build my bin files but perhaps I need to be doing it through my PC. I do not have an arduino. Could this be an issue? I checked the Github for Ender 5 pro profiles and all I could find was a 4.2.2 version which I am currently mixing with some random 4.2.7 cfg I found on the same github.

I’m sure I sound like I put glue in my breakfast cereal but I could really use some help. I’ve emailed creality for support but they just sent me the link that I posted which has really just made me more confused than I was before.

SonicPad is a junk, should work out of box but with its old version of klippper there are always problems. The steps should be:

  1. Create .bin firmware file based on your motherboard and flash it. All info you will need are in the first commented part of your MCU config file.
  2. Take the generic config for your MCU and use it for the pins. Take everything else from stock config and combine the 2 files.
  3. Adjust or add your specific hardware in your printer cfg (like extruder, BL, led, etc).

Did you get this figured out?
It sounds like I have the same configuration as @dembuns
The files are there for the 4.2.2 board and the Creality Help Desk told me to flash it to the 4.2.2 firmware, but that disables my stepper motors.

I would just go change pinouts, but it looks to me like someone changed the whole firmware file to wingdings, for some reason I don’t want to translate that…